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Paul Short

Hi Debbie,

I'm a subscriber to your blog and there IS a question I'd like to ask about corporate blogging, or small business bloggers to be more specific: How does one communicate the real benefits of blogs and blogging to the internet marketing and direct marketing crowd?

It seems that most marketers I talk to only think of blogs as SEO tools, a place to push affiliate programs or as new content pages to get exposure for contextual advertising.

In fact, I regularly have to reject submissions to my blog directory because of their blogs being nothing more than blatent sales pitches.

Is there a solution to this problem or should I just stop answering their questions all together.

Oh, and ask Robert Scoble what he thinks of this as well. The more the merrier ;-)

Thanks for the invite Debbie.


Paul Short


This question may be your area of expertise. What do you think about non-public internal weblogs written by upper management and directors as a way to set the context within which the business runs day to day? It seems like a nonchalant way to rally the troops without having the hard to get right all-employee meeting. Can you or others speak about the weblog as a tool for non-public group coordination and communication?

Does that make sense? I know this is the "business blog summit" and the talk is mostly about blogs as a frontline profit mechanism or PR/marketing tool, but what about blogs as an organizational tool, a behind the scenes way to make the business more efficient.

This also brings up the Wiki - which I think is a useful internal tool for a company to capture information, IP and expertise in a forum that can be built on. Can we talk about wikis? I think the ideal intranet would be a couple management/director weblogs, working group weblogs and general wiki that can hold meta data for everything the business does.

Blah blah...those are my questions. Sorry it is so stream of consciousness. Thanks in advance and I'll take my the answer off the air. :)

john cowburn


I am thinking of building a Blog which will have content and information similar to my main website. I then intend to put links on the Blog site to the main site to help with SEO. Does it make any difference whether I use a Blog with my own domain name using say MT or a site built on TypePad, as viewed by the search engines on how they value the link? or is it just a link to them?


What is more effective? Adding a blog to your current business website or converting the entire site to a blog format?

My main objective is to sell my main product(s) while equipping and educating people and building relationships and trust with the blog.



Debbie Weil

Thanks everyone for your great questions. I'll post replies as soon as I can.

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