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This is one of the most confusing graphical arguments I've seen in a long time. I understand the theory, but it's just really confusing.

Tony Dowler

The thing that really cheers me about the way Hugh describes the conversation is that when he talks about "aligning", he's talking about a process of give and take with respect on both sides.

Too many times I've been asked to help align customer thinking where
"align" means something more like "herd" - no respect for the customer at all.

Debbie Weil


What's confusing is the way he's depicted the "membrane." Think of "X" as the membrane between the company and the wider audience of customers, prospects, etc. Don't worry about the "Y."


What's confusing (in a graphical sense) is that his labels of things include arrows, that seem to be piercing through lines, etc.

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