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Lee Odden

Blog Marketing Resources:

Ten Tips for Blogging


Daniel Nerezov

Debbie, I think that's a great list.

I can't quite place my finger on it, but I still feel there is something hard about business blogging.

Maybe it's the whole content side of things, 'caus you do have to have some writing ability - and I am sure there is a solution for this problem waiting to be discovered.


Good list, but no blogging resource would be complete without Darren Rowse's ProBlogger:

Easton Ellsworth

Thanks for the helpful links, Debbie, and for breaking them up into three distinct categories. "RSS" is so simple, yet so many people have trouble figuring it out until that "aha!" moment comes. These links will help them!

Olaf Kreitz

Great article! I like the 101 on Technorati. Isn't it ideal for executives who heard all these buzz words and now want to fill in the gaps?

Brian Clark

Hi Debbie, how about blog-focused Copywriting 101?

David Terrar

Some great links I hadn't found. For what it is worth, here is my insider's guide to blogging and resource page:


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podcasting researcher

If you have used podcasting and if you have 10 minutes to spare, please take this academic survey. Thank you very much.

I would like for someone to help me write a blog for our company phone 740-452-1003 I am the original inventor of video in yellow pages . I would like to know if there are any writers that would volenteer their time in helping with a blog for this company. I believe that each and everyone of us can make a difference, We can and must do so, To build a society that our childern and grandchildern can be proud of, This is why I Invented the yellow pages for the internet because print only has about 7% informational Retention, Audio has about 30% informational Retention and Audio and Video as about 70% Informational Retention and that is 10 times over print. To actually appreciate this information retention check out and the power of video. Our Company we would like volenteers to help us in writing a bog or in your opinions, your ideas, your applications that may help our yellow pages. More importantly remember we all can make a difference think about the paper yellow pages in New York City of over 8 million people and the yellow pages are as thick as logs and now we are all wanting green, think for a moment, how many trees does it take to make all those yellow pages for city like new york, if you thought about it, you would think it takes a forrest, one forrest this year and another one next year and how about the 70.000 cities in the U.S.A. Our Trees provide our most vital source for the earth, it provides the air we breathe. We never thought of Bottle water 10 years ago, we would have laugh if we thought we would be buying water in a bottle, especially when the world is 3/4 water. I hope each and everyone of you would reach out for our childern and grandchildern and make that difference, Yes We have the knowledge and wisdom to make a difference and we can and must do so. We now have the technology that takes information retention from 7% to 70% in the spread the word and plant a seed for the spring season is a time of planting, a time of rebirth, god makes everything on the earth grow in this spring time, but we must plant a seed,you also can plant a seed by smiling at each other, it warms us from the inside when we smile and it lights up the other person also and as we pass by that person we could say god bless you, here we once again are planting a seed asking god to bless that person, the seed is planted and god makes all seeds grow, Remember Jesus said, A New Comanment I give, That we have love for one another, You , Me, Our Childern and Our Grandchildern, yes we can all make a difference. I would deeply deeply thank you for your time and attention and I do have a Federal Servicemark for THE VIDEO YELLOW PAGES REG NUMBER 3,226,370 PLUS A U.S. COPYRIGHT TITLED THE VIDEO YELLOW PAGES REGISTER UNDER THE NUMBER TXU 683-901, I don;t understand blogs but would thank you in advance for your help and may god bless you.

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