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« Beginner's Guide to Business Blogging re-released on | Main | Good advice: blog to be found by real people who don't have a clue what RSS is »


Steve Mertz

I help a lot of my speaker buddies get into blogging. It's a fabulous way to get exposure and I yell at them if they aren't selling on their blog-audiences expect you to make a soft pitch or two!! My $2 cents :)

Danielle Murdolo

Debbie, i am interested to know more about the issue of blogging in relation to its use by public relations practitoners and whether certain companies/industries are more into it than others- as i am currently writing a thesis for my final year of post-graduate study. For the purpose of this assignment i am happy to buy a copy of your book if you will allow me to informally interview you over the phone- i will of course quote you in the thesis if i were to use your comments as part of my research. Can I contact you to discuss?

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