Was just checking out Wells Fargo's new blog: The Student LoanDown. I puzzled over the name for several minutes. Then read About this blog and realized immediately that it's the "lowdown" on all things related to student loans and financing higher education.
Great idea; lame name
Why not just call it The Student Loan Resource Center? In other words, *the* place to go online to get all sorts of information and stories about the confusing maze of student loans and scholarships.
I'm scheduled to speak to Ed Terpening, a member of Wells Fargo's Enterprise Blogging Team (as they call it), later this week to get an update on both of the bank's blogs. The first is Guided by History. It was launched in March '06 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake & Fire.
They've gracefully migrated it to be a blog about community preparedness and response to natural disasters.
More later after I get the, er, lowdown from Ed.
Useful Link
Wells Fargo launches second blog (questions whether the topic is too boring; I disagree.)
Maybe we should do a "How Not To Name Your Blog" membership site for all the corporate entities that have lame marketing depts that are not really good at it, nor connected to the real world.
Posted by: Mike | September 10, 2006 at 08:00 PM
Rule #1. No puns. Not ever. Not even if you think this one is really, really funny. Because it's not.
Posted by: Kari Chisholm | September 11, 2006 at 01:36 PM
i have visited that blog already. i think what should matters most in naming blogs aside from speaking yourself or service is that it can be easily recalled and totally speaks what your blog is all about.
with hers, i think i posted on one of her posts there and can say it's ok except the "loandown". but i love her posts really! Try visiting this Student Loan site - www.loanandstudent.com, thanks!
Posted by: College Grant Loan | September 27, 2006 at 01:51 AM