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Marianne Richmond

Thanks for the mention.

I would like to note that Forrester did not hire bloggers as in "services for pay"...they waived the conference fee and we paid for our own travel and expenses.


Pete Blackshaw

Deb: Point of clarification; the decision to not have live blogging at our annual client meeting didn't drive our "attendees wild." Our clients overwhelmingly preferred that format, and we respected that, as any business should. Here's a relevant perspective from one of our largest clients (

I do agree it's an important debate, and I certainly hope future events elicit a higher comfort zone for "free and open" information sharing. But it's really our clients' decision.

The other important question here (perhaps fodder for your next book) is how we balance our work versus personal blogs. What set off this largely misunderstood issue was a summit participant (an agency partner) who took language from a client-specific memo related to the conference and posted it to his personal blog. I don't think there was any malicious intent on his part, but it does raise questions about "official" versus "non-official" blogging roles. Don't have the answer, but I do know it's an important, and timely, debate.

- PEte

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