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Hilary Marsh


I couldn't agree more. When I first started thinking about how the Web would turn corporate communications upside-down a few years ago, I wrote up my thoughts:

The blogosphere has made this change take place faster and bigger than I expected!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.



Is Coprorate Blogging taken as a means of fun only?? After reading this exhaustive (I refer after reading virtually all your links as well), amazingly info active write up, I thought that there would be some serious instances of blogging by Corporates, unfortunately found none!!

But am now an avid fan of your writing and am looking forward to read your book as well.
M Bhave


As a "Digital Native" I couldn't agree more. I'm currently a senior in college and am an avid user of social media. Companies have to realize that their next major workforce expects the type of transparent, "top-down" relationship that you mentioned. While they're learning about what Facebook is, I'm already using it to find out about them.

I'm also an intern for SNP Communications - they teach exec. comm. for the most well-known Fortune 500 leaders. Their founders also beleive in the value of social media. If you're interested in their take, visit their website


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