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David Brain

Looking forward to your thoughts on it especially the trust scores on ceos and the role of "poeple like me" and of course the still low scores for bloggers.

Jeffrey Treem


Thanks for linking to our New Frontiers study. I wanted to quickly address a couple things you bring up.

First, the one-third stat for companies blogging is internal AND external. The study then breaks it down and we found that of those companies with blogs, nearly a third of those are internal only.

Yes, our sample is small (75 Fortune 500 companies + a couple dozen large global companies). However, we think that given we found more than 30 companies blogging in our relatively small sample blogging and data from other studies claims less than 10 percent of all Fortune 500 companies are blogging, these findings are somewhat significant.

As we concede in the report, this study is not without its fair share of validity issues, but our hope is to provide insight into what leading organizations are doing and spark a much needed conversation among corporate communicators about the role of new media in employee communications.

I hope you get the time to read through the complete report. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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