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Damon Billian

"What do you think?? Would leave to hear your thoughts on this."

As mentioned on other posts about ROI, I think a blog that is done well can help reduce customer service contacts & provide a channel for providing information quickly when there is a problem (site issues, etc.).

steven streight aka vaspers the grate

I have been saying in many blogs and forums that it's ROT (Return on Time) that is the real factor.

ROI is less and less relevant, as far as financial investment, when many tools are free or extremely low cost.

Blogs are one of these free or super low cost tools. Also: wikis, podcasting, video.

ROI is funny. What's the ROI on new office furniture, carpet, plants, business cards, private parking space, volunteering for Junior Achievement, Rotary or United Way events?

Thanks for the info, Debbie.

Susan Klasmeier

It seems to me that calculating the ROI of a blog is analogous to calculating the ROI of a white paper or industry brief. Blogs are another communication channel for Thought Leadership materials. The difference being the speed with which they get to market, the ability to push ideas to a more relevant audience, and most importantly, the interactivity. Imagine reading a book with it’s author standing next to you, awaiting your questions, thoughts, and input.

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