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Steven Lewis

Speaking as a former journalist, the email interview is great on the one hand because you often get good quotes and it saves you note taking. On the other hand, you don't get to look the interviewee in the eye and get a sense of their veracity and it's harder to press with follow-up questions.

Would we accept a national leader only answering questions in writing? Or someone in court proceedings never having to enter the witness box; instead only answering questions in an affadavit?

Also, even from the perspective of the interview, there's the proven fact that half of all email is misunderstood. How is the CEO interviewee going to protect himself from the journalist misinterpreting tone, which could be more damaging.

My experience told me that those who complain about being "misquoted" usually said something injudicious and want to retract it.

outlook 2010


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