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« A Meatball Sundae with Seth Godin, Dan Pink, Rich Sloan and Debbie Weil - Feb. 13, 2008 teleconference | Main | Business Week updates its iconic 2005 blog story with a new title 'Social Media Will Change Your Business' »



It's interesting that reporters are turning to bloggers as sources. I think the blogging is only going to continue to grow in legitimacy over the next few years. Perhaps one day soon as many people will get their news from blogs as from other sources.

Warren Whitlock

This is exactly what I've been looking for. Hard numbers to quote when I tell authors to blog instead of hoping the media will call.

I'll be referring them to this for sure


I have been writing a personal blog for years and have only just started to participate in business blogging. I agree that it is an incredible tool for networking, researching, and frankly, for marketing.


good article

thank you for informations.

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