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CEO and senior exec blogs


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Larissa Fair

What could SW have done differently in utilizing their blog during this crisis?

For example, they were very late in posting a response, it hit long after the story was posted on CNN and other news sources. They should have been prepared.

Also I think it's worth raising the question of why their recent posts are simply regurgitated press releases and appearances. That's not very social media friendly or interactive. It fails to show an effort to really connect with their community/consumers.

Jeff Davis

How do you respond if the CEO/management says it's time to take the blog down?

Alison Byrne Fields

Why not ask the students to think about the protocol that Southwest should follow in terms of commenting on other blogs that are talking about the FAA's findings? Should they comment and, if so, in what situations? Who should comment? What should they say to bloggers who are criticizing them? What about bloggers who might be coming to their defense? Is there something else they can be asking these "defenders" to do via commenting?

I'm not sure if this falls into your jurisdiction, but what about their search strategy? If they got with paid search, what terms should they be buying?

That's all I have. I hope you report back on how the class goes.

Debbie Weil


Great question about the CEO.

Matt Keegan

Southwest definitely has a stellar record, but one of their planes did skid off a runway and into traffic, killing a small boy in 2005:

Therefore, there is one spot on their safety record.

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