Dana VanDen Heuvel of Pheedo recently asked me what's different about The Corporate Blogging Book. (He and I are appearing on a DMA panel in Atlanta on Oct. 18th.) Hmmm... a couple of things.
First, it's a practical, clear-eyed look at what companies can do with blogs. My audience is larger companies with a corporate mind-set. They move a bit slower and more cautiously than many technology companies. And there are millions of 'em out there.
Second, I'm writing it with one foot in and the other foot out
of the blogosphere. While I consider myself pretty much an "insider"
when it comes to the blogosphere, I'm writing for those who aren't insiders and who may be skeptical. [Cf: Blogs? Most people don't have a bloody clue]
The goal of the book is to de-mystify this blogging thing for
corporate-minded folks who aren't already on the bandwagon. That
includes managers and executives with small/medium-sized (SMEs) up to
Fortune 500s - not solo entrepreneurs trying to make a quick buck with
a blog.
I'm trying
to answer their unanswered - and perhaps even unstated - questions about blogging. From... "Fear
of blogging" to "So really, what's the point?" to "Unravel this for me
and show me how to get started."Of course I'm obsessively keeping a list in my head of every book
about business blogging currently being written, in galleys, or to be
published soon. At the same time, I'm not reading them. [Update: happy to report that I'm beyond that weird obsession.]
I'm already
half crazy
just a tad crazy right now (yeah, well there are good days and bad days
when you're writing a book... right?!). I'm trying to make The Corporate Blogging Book distinctive and different and really useful. I'll leave it up to my editors to find out what the competition is up to.
Here's the list of other blogging books
If I've missed one, let me know in the Comments below. Or feel free to send me an email at wordbiz @ gmail DOT com.
Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution Is Changing Politics, Business and Culture by David Kline and Dan Burstein (October 2005)
Blog Marketing by Jeremy Wright (November 2005)
Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing The Way Businesses Talk With Customers by Robert Scoble and Shel Holtz (January 2006)
Blogwild! by Andy Wibbels (a fellow Penguin author; aimed at small biz; spring 2006, I think)
Just read about a business blogging book that Shel Holtz is co-authoring with IT consultant Ted Demopoulos
Oh, and The Coporate Blogging Book by... never mind.
And, compiled by blog book author David Kline, an even longer list of blogging books recently signed by blog-obsessed publishers. David, your book sounds great!
This is who I was targeting as well. Best of luck Debbie. I enjoyed my project, and I'm sure you'll enjoy yours!
Posted by: Jeremy Wright | September 28, 2005 at 08:42 PM
One more to add to your list -
"The Everything Blogging Book" by AP Sherman-Risdahl - 2006 (Adams Media).
Posted by: Toby | September 28, 2005 at 10:22 PM
Thanks Toby. I remember Aliza Sherman from her Cybergrrl days! http://www.cgim.com/news99.html Believe it or not, I was the co-founder of the Washington DC chapter of this group.
Posted by: Debbie Weil | October 03, 2005 at 12:47 PM
What, me? Write a book? Shel who??
Yes, we are writing and I must admit having fun (along with the prerequisite frustrations of course). Hope you're having as much fun as we are.
"Fear of Blogging" - Is that a Talking Heads album?? The one where the album cover is textured like a manhole cover?
Posted by: Ted Demopoulos | October 03, 2005 at 11:03 PM
Hi Debbie,
I just finished reading Buzz Marketing With Blogs by Susannah Gardner. Although it is a Dummies Guide, I thought she covered the basics and the corporate side to Blogging very effectively.
Here's her URL: http://www.buzzmarketingwithblogs.com/
Posted by: Mitch Joel | October 16, 2005 at 06:43 AM
hello world!
Posted by: merik | September 02, 2007 at 04:12 PM
my name is murava! are you? http://www.benimblog.com/murava/
Posted by: murava | September 07, 2007 at 04:36 PM