Edelman recently released A Corporate Guide to the Blogosphere (links to Edelman Europe CEO David Bain's blog entry on the new study).
The section on China and its rapidly growing and increasingly powerful blogosphere is fascinating.
Why China's blogosphere is so powerful
From Edelman's study:
- blogs are read by a higher percentage of "influencers" in China than in the U.S. or Europe
- blog readers in China say their offline lives are influenced by what they read on blogs
- blog postings can make their way onto China's popular Internet forums (bulletin boards) within minutes and thus rapidly gain attention and coverage by mainstream media
- blogs present an appealing alternative to the "agenda" published by China's government-controlled media
And, according to Edelman,
"The Chinese Internet presents an enormous opportunity for blog-savvy companies to understand consumer and stakeholder sentiment, listen to conversations about their brands, and directly engage consumers who comment on and write blogs."
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