One of the best blog/sites about what's happening in China (for those interested in business, media and marketing) is I ran across danwei's 2007 list of "best blogs" in a number of categories, including business and marketing. Here's a partial list (note: annotations are verbatim from danwei):
Advertising, marketing and PR
A very funny blog about public relations, communications, tech industry
and life in China by an American PR professional who lives in Shanghai.
Madison Boom
Subtitled 'The world filled with egos,' this blog is written by a
Chinese advertising industry insider and presents regular updates on
new ad campaigns and industry gossip. It's written mostly in English
with some Chinese posts.
Digital Watch
News from and analysis of the world of digital marketing and media from Kaiser Kuo and others at the ad agency Ogilvy's China offices.
Sam Flemming
Commentary on word of mouth and brands on the Chinese Internet, by the
CEO of CIC Data, a company that analyzes and quantifies online chatter
on behalf of multinational companies.
Business, finance and technology
Silicon Hutong
David Wolf is a very sharp consultant who works in the technology,
media and telecom industries in China. His blog covers his areas of
professional interest and, once in a while, some general China stuff.
Technology, markets, venture capital, gaming and the Internet in China:
tersely worded commentary from a savvy American guy who knows his way
around the markets.
China Web 2.0 Review
A Chinese view of the Internet business and Internet startups, China
Web 2.0 Review is written by two Chinese guys who work in the industry,
and presents clearly thought-out posts about new developments. A
valuable resource for anyone interested in Internet innovation in
Managing the Dragon
Mr China by Tim Clissold is an entertaining book about China and
business. The 'Mr China' of the title is a charismatic investment
banker who first came here in 1992, was smitten, and then employed
Clissold to help him lose a lot of money. Now, several years after the
publication of the book, Mr China is apparently making boatloads of
money, or so the business gossips say. Managing the Dragon is a group
blog under his leadership.
Complete list here.